Amsterdam, March 26, 2024.
By: Carlijn den Boer

We are proud to announce that we have received an investment from Shaping Impact Group (SIG) and Fair Capital Partners Impact Investing (in collaboration with Oranje Fonds) to facilitate sustainable integration and contribute to a more inclusive society. Welcome app is currently active in Almere, Dordrecht, Leiden, Den Bosch, and Venlo. The investment will be used to further develop Welcome app’s services and expand to more municipalities in the Netherlands.

Welcome app receives investment

Welcome app

Welcome app, previously known as ‘Blendin’, began in 2016 by connecting newcomers and locals in an accessible manner. Since 2022, we have expanded our focus to serve as a connector among all stakeholders within the integration field: municipalities, organizations, locals, and newcomers. We assist municipalities in consolidating local integration offerings and making information accessible, and we offer organizations a tool to activate their services. Welcome app is an all-in-one solution for newcomers who want to take control and actively integrate into society. Through the app, newcomers gain access to important information and activities in their new hometown, such as bicycle lessons or information about job searching. Furthermore, the app provides an opportunity to connect with Dutch locals nearby. Locals and newcomers can connect with each other using the Connect feature.

Social impact

As an organization, our ambition is to make Welcome app a national tool that assists newcomers upon their arrival in the Netherlands. ‘There’s a lot of power in technology,’ says Christina, CEO of Welcome app. ‘Imagine that upon arrival in your new hometown, a QR code is available that allows you to directly download the app and find all the necessary information to navigate through society. It’s kind of like a TomTom for newcomers, where the app shows all the language lessons in the area, for example.’

Jamy from Shaping Impact Group on Welcome app: ‘We increasingly see that the national government and municipalities are a key customer for impactful companies. With Welcome app, the local government is the main customer. Welcome app relieves municipalities and offers excellent service to newcomers who want to find their way more quickly in their new hometown. We, as investors, are excited about the commercial opportunities for Welcome app and the clear social impact that is achieved.’

The platform facilitates collaborations that lead to more effective integration. For municipalities, we offer a valuable solution, especially in light of the recent introduction of the Spreidingswet and the Electronic Data Exchange in Healthcare Act. Through the platform, municipalities can centrally coordinate their integration offer and make it accessible to newcomers, thereby reducing administrative burdens, promoting efficiency, and enabling newcomers to start integrating into the community immediately.

If you would like to learn more about working or a potential collaboration with Welcome app, please contact us.